Gruppo di supporto in inglese - English Speaking Support Group
A free online group to help you connect with other moms, talk about your experience, and learn about helpful tools and resources. This group is for prenatal and postpartum moms (first year after birth) experiencing difficulties adjusting to motherhood. Adoptive parents are absolutely welcomed!
This is a free & peer led group by Dina Pataki who is a Certified Integral Coach by New Ventures West. Dina also holds a B.A. Hons in Psychology and is the mother of two energetic boys! Her own experience of postpartum depression has prompted her to specialize in perinatal mental health. Dina has also trained with Karen Kleiman – a pioneer, author, and international maternal mental health expert for over. Dina will be facilitating the discussion, offering psycho-education when needed and emotional support, keeping in mind that this is not group coaching.
Every Thursday @13:00-14:00 (first come, first served basis)
Booking is required
Link to book your spot:
- Luogo: Online
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Persona di riferimento
Dina Pataki - Perinatal Coaching
Numero di partecipanti
Contributo spese